Do you know who is Aaliyaan Chaudhary? Freelancing has made an impact on the world in the recent years. Everyone wants to earn in millions of dollars but by doing job it is impossible. Mostly people tend toward the job which pays insufficient fulfill their dreams. In addition, the wages criteria are quite less in Pakistan as compared to other developing countries. In this though time Freelancing opened the door to earn in dollars for the fulfillment of their dreams.
Pakistani people also participated in freelancing job opportunities to win their dreams. Here we will discuss the real motivation in Pakistan named as Aaliyaan Chaudhary who enter in this field and won the title of triple rated seller in a short span of time and earn millions.
Who is Aaliyaan Chaudhary?
Aaliyaan Chaudhary is a Pakistani national, who was born in Islamabad, Pakistan. He is a well-known personality among across Pakistan. He did his graduation in Business Administration. His Parents basically wants to make him a doctor, but his interest was in BBA honors.
It is quite interesting to know that he did not want to continue his life with a job profession just like a typical person who works 9-5 and only earn maximum 40 to 50k. Then he decided to continue his passion and started working as a freelancer.
Journey on Fiverr.
Now a days, there are a lot of freelancing platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, Guru, Toptal etc. But Fiverr was firstly launched in the world in 2010. With instantly, Fiverr became one of the most authentic and usable platforms for the freelancers and entrepreneurs. People joined Fiverr among across the world and within few years millions of people were on Fiverr.
Fiverr offers people to place their gig on it and sell for earning without any hurdle. Aaliyaan inspired from it and place his first gig on Fiverr in 2011 as a blogger. But unfortunately, Aaliyaan Chaudhary did not get the order on fiverr. He became hopeless and tired and quit the Fiverr with disappointment.
Then he came back in 2013 with innovative ideas and strategies and place the gig of YouTube SEO and Social Media Marketing. With his good luck Aaliyaan offered his first job on the same day.
He inspired and expended his range of offered gigs to earn more by delivering more services to more clients. It was thought to manage studies with average 8 to 9 hours daily. Day by Day he became successful increasingly.
The impact of his struggle is that his working time had shorten 3 to 4 hours and his offered price has become rise in according to his experience.
Achievements Of Aaliyaan Chaudhary:
Aaliyaan struggled distressing day and night and won the title of triple top-rated sellers on fiverr in a noticeably brief period. It was a great achievement. Achievements does not stop here. Aaliyaan got the rank in the top sellers of Fiverr blogs and attain the place between top 15 highest paid sellers of Fiverr.
Aaliyaan’s IT company (Acom IT firm):
Aaliyaan did not break his carrier on Fiverr seller, but he organized his own IT company named as Acom. The purpose of this company is to provide the solutions to web, social media, and app issues. It is not a ridiculously huge company and currently has 25 people working and it is expected to increase the workers.
Moreover, he runs ‘The Logical Pakistan,” which is a social platform for youth and lady’s authorization. Certainly, he believes in giving back to the community and inspiring tadalafil youth to require on self-learning and independence. during this platform, he highlights the sunshine social problems in a powerful thanks to raise awareness.
Aaliyaan Chaudhary Advice for new freelancer.
Aaliyaan has become a well-known personality and he is known across the national border just because of his experience and fields knowledge. Therefore, he gives a number of advice to newbie to get successful in the ground of freelancing. The very first and regular advice he gives all time is to focus on the quality of work. It is the key to success. He says that if you want to become successful, you do not focus on the quantity. It will automatically generate the prednisone god impact on the client. Then he gives you honest feedback which impacts directly on fiverr customer support.
The second valuable advice is to be creative with your gig because as a newbie it captures your clients’ attractions and always offer more in less,
Third one is to be always aware from your surroundings. It will enable you to contact current trends and your value will never down ever.