Do you know about international Yoga Day? In this article the complete information about Yoga Day, its celebration reasons, its Benefits, crucial factors has provided. So, completely read this article to become proper aware of knowledge
International Yoga Day.

International Yoga Day was seen in India and abroad on 23 June. The International Yoga Day has been officially recognized by UN under the ‘General Assembly’ resolution. The resolution passed in the 72nd UN General Assembly after a debate.
Certainly, Yoga is mainly practice of encouraging a healthy life, gain mental strength, and integrate body and mind to lead a stress-free life. The benefits of yoga, which is the combination of art and science, are in abundance. In the Eastern time it is a national holiday named as “International Yoga Day”.
There are several reasons to celebrate this day:
- The most important one is that it marks an ancient Hindu religious tradition dedicated to meditation. It also known as Darshan or Bodhtiyara Vahini (The Vedic Path). It designed by Yogi Bhajaraj around 5th century BC, and it consists of five main Sanskrit terms: Dhar asana or spiritual meditation, Bikram Jnana, Sanskrit, Kriya, Jnana or Niyama, Chakra, muhachchhaka or sacred fire, and karma.
- According to Indian mythology, a young nakshatra boy went into his mother’s house to ask her father about the mysterious white stone that he keeps next to the holy water. She answered him with a story about how Vishnu sent two ganas who took the stone out and ate the sand and stones inside and became blind and they were able to see again. A third form of Vishnu, named Asoka, could not control the waves but he was able to do nirvana.
- He could not even imagine the idea that Vishnu is gone because he cannot remember Vishnu as a human being. So, Vishnu asked that if someone wants to become like Vishnu, then it must be as an ascetic, an inner discipline to overcome internal conflicts. All these practices will lead us closer to our goal of enlightenment.
- The second reason of celebrating this day is that it also practiced by many people living in India before the arrival of Islam. During those times, it believed to be the best practice because it gave people freedom from worldly desires. It practiced during the pre-Islamic period which was also referred to sampaguita’ (self, spirit) and siddhis (physical objects). People lived a simple, quiet, and uncluttered life. They did no toil or physical labor except for their inner work.
International Yoga Day-The benefits include:
- Helps in keeping healthy life
- Relieves stress
- Helps in achieving a better mental and physical health
- Boosts a positive mood and clarity of mind
- Calms the mind and body
- Helps rejuvenate the body
- Helps in integrating the body and mind
- Health benefits of yoga
- The yoga practice helps in:
- Improving body and mind posture
- Enhancing muscle strength
- Improving bone and joint health
- Reducing stress
- Reducing risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer
- Helps to gain better control over the mind
- Improves fertility
- Improves immunity
- Concentrates the mind and focuses it on other important aspects of life
- Yoga in the Indian culture
There are several Indian yoga’s that mostly practiced in certain parts of India and in certain foreign countries.
Lathi or hardwood stick is the common yoga practice in India. It is important to keep the stick in your hands all the time while practicing yoga. Hence, Yoga is called Shamata or shakti as it takes place on the bed or mat. It helps in giving quick relief to the body if you have a headache or aches, along with breathing
Crucial factor to be consider for Yoga.
- If you’re just starting out in yoga, please remember to pay special attention to the breathing that helps maintain the stability of the body.
- Also pay extra attention to getting enough oxygen. To calm down and relax. These three elements will help anyone reach the spiritual heights.
Additional Advice.
In addition, if you want to find your true happiness, then you need to focus on what you can’t control. Otherwise, you will live under illusion, in vain and meaningless. If you can’t control your desires, then you need to change your ways. You find your peace, liberation, freedom, enlightenment by focusing on yourself. Do not allow things to fall into the mud of ignorance.
This includes both mental and emotional aspects. Our mind can be extremely destructive when we focus on things that don’t belong to us. Thus, when meditate, try to stay away from negative thoughts. We can’t control negative thoughts, so try to block them out. We can always think about something else and never meditate. Try to keep your eyes close now and then to block them and be totally engage in your own awareness.
For example, instead of thinking, take deep breath and stop worrying about anything outside of our awareness. Focus your attention only on what matters right now. Don’t worry about tomorrow unless you plan for it in your awareness. Just concentrate on this moment.
Meditation has practiced by hundreds of thousands of people every day. Thousands of studies have conducted to decide the advantages and the importance of meditation. It is not easy and difficult to achieve complete enlightenment. Many yogis say it takes a lot of challenging work and dedication to achieve it.
But when you reach that place, when you know how to meditate and do your own inner work then meditation will make you feel better. In conclusion, I hope everyone has at least seen some part of the story of one man. Who had a dream to become famous and achieve happiness. Let us pray for a life of peace and prosperity for all humanity.
Moreover, may this small act of giving ourselves extra energy by simply taking deep breath and thinking about our breath give us the clarity, courage, and power to fight against negativity. God is the owner of blissful joy. Peace of mind is the greatest gift we can have. Please join me and take some prednisone deep breaths and enjoy this beautiful moment.